Anyway, I tweeted dozens of pics from the Javits Convention Center during the fair, tweeted even more since returning home, and still have a few dozen more images to share at this point. Snapping a pic is easy, especially when you're as unschooled and low-tech as me, but posting takes a bit more time. If you want to see everything that I've posted about NY Toy Fair 2016 or see what else is still to come, follow BGG on Twitter. If you don't like Twitter, I apologize, but them's the breaks as I also need to do my regular work, and finish posting the remaining 30-40 videos from Spielwarenmesse 2016, and work on some other projects, and...
For now, here are some of the highlights from NY Toy Fair 2016, with additional comments when I have more to say than I could tweet. If you have questions, please ask and I'll answer as best I can, with the caveat that for many titles (especially for Upper Deck) little was available beyond a box that featured a single illustration:
Game of the year! As determined by @ToyIndustryAssn. Possibly not really the game of the year, says I. —WEM pic.twitter.com/9EuBaEBLQj
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 13, 2016
If you like Pie Face, @Hasbro's got a mouthful of spinoffs coming in 2016, inc. the tug-of-war-like Showdown. —WEM pic.twitter.com/BtrmuyUbzO
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
• That's right, Pie Face spinoffs, with some being simply a new frame and paint job on the existing model. Pie Face Showdown, on the other hand, is a two-player model in which each player slaps a button repeatedly as quickly as possible; doing so moves the arm that holds the cream pie (or whatever dirty object you're using) closer to your opponent's side of the playing area, and if you move the arm far enough, it then splats in their face.
Personally I don't see the appeal of humiliation-based games (or humiliation-based humor in general), but having watched my teenage exchange student and a dozen of her friends gush with excitement over the BeanBoozled Spinner Jelly Bean Gift Box and "play" it for at least an hour, I know that I'm just not the target audience for such things.
.@Hasbro is entering the adult party game market in 2016 w/ Midnight Taboo. No examples of how adult... —WEM pic.twitter.com/T61us382St
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 15, 2016
Teaser info for Doctor Who: Time of the Daleks from @GaleForceNine at NY Toy Fair 2016. —WEM pic.twitter.com/RKNZVpYzMf
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 16, 2016
Teaser banner for Star Trek: Ascendancy from @GaleForceNine at NY Toy Fair 2016; teaser video on BGG. —WEM pic.twitter.com/l9IyHYXhf9
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 16, 2016
• At BGG.CON 2015, we recorded a teaser video of a Star Trek 4X game from Gale Force Nine, but at that time we didn't even have a name to use for a game listing, so it was somewhat buried in the publisher listing. Here it is:
Non-final Colt Express playmat from @ludonaute that will be available via @AsmodeeNA's AsmoPlay in-store demos. —WEM pic.twitter.com/O4Liv7CQ9w
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 15, 2016
• Following the announcement of distribution changes for Asmodee North America in Dec. 2015, many people have questioned what ANA is doing to support brick-and-mortar stores beyond simply lowering the discount at which online retailers can purchase games.
Here's one such answer: Asmodee NA is continuing the AsmoPlay demo program for B&M stores that it started in 2015, a program in which stores demo particular games in particular time periods and in return get custom swag to hand out to customers who participate in such events or win tournaments of the games being featured. Elysium, for example, received a custom playmat and full-art family cards through AsmoPlay, while these items would also be available from Asmodee directly at conventions.
Now Colt Express will be getting a similarly nice playmat, and the Asmodee rep told me that since publisher Ludonaute is working on additional expansions for Colt Express right now, the idea is that the playmat will be able to accommodate everything that's coming, at least in the near future.
Overview of Sushi Go Party from @Gamewright; choose eight dishes each game: one roll, three appetizers, etc. —WEM pic.twitter.com/jCWALXATEQ
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 13, 2016
Menu choices in Sushi Go Party from @Gamewright; each game select one roll & dessert, two special & three app. —WEM pic.twitter.com/0wHQxazqCg
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 13, 2016
• Those numbers add up to only seven as you use nigiri, not pictured above, in each game of Sushi Go Party!
Non-final insert for Sushi Go Party from @Gamewright; still working out the details at this point. —WEM pic.twitter.com/PNXX6DvbzI
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 13, 2016
• It's hard to convey how excited designer Andy Looney was about Pyramid Arcade, a 22-game compilation that represents decades of work in a fantastic-looking, retro-futuristic package designed by Eileen Tjan.
Non-final component tray for Pyramid Arcade from @LooneyLabs, coming to Kickstarter in April & due out Nov 2016. WEM pic.twitter.com/UpmFhaSQjW
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
Non-final components in Pyramid Arcade, which contains 22 pyramid games from @LooneyLabs. —WEM pic.twitter.com/1ww3Tgttsv
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
Mighty Meeples (@Cryptozoic) is a series of licensed meeples, starting w/ 30 heroes from DC Comics. —WEM pic.twitter.com/zxLjotGqRF
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 13, 2016
The 30 DC Comics characters being featured in @Cryptozoic's licensed Mighty Meeples line. —WEM pic.twitter.com/BMqL8QUrak
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 13, 2016
.@Cryptozoic has 2 Rick and Morty titles w/ Mr. Meesek's Box O' Fun coming Q3 2016. Press button to hear voices! WEM pic.twitter.com/HAeMmxdNoC
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 13, 2016
Legendary Encounters: Firefly is merely a box for now. We still must wait for @UpperDeckEnt to fill it. —WEM pic.twitter.com/HasVYYCMdl
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
Legendary Encounters will see a large Alien-based expansion from @UpperDeckEnt in 2016. —WEM pic.twitter.com/5hwabXA9So
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
• Yes, this next caption should read "a small Deadpool expansion will join..." since Deadpool is already included in the Legendary base game, but character limits demand shortcuts.
In what's probably a surprise to no one, Deadpool will join the Legendary deck-building game from @UpperDeckEnt. WEM pic.twitter.com/qWGOu0iLpF
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
Deadpool also gets a standalone game from @UpperDeckEnt. No details right now. —WEM pic.twitter.com/zhzbkbEZ2r
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
Nothing more than a Roy Lichtenstein-style probably non-final cover for Shark Island (@UpperDeckEnt) right now. —WEM pic.twitter.com/gdoi5Ob1f9
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
Aliens invade everything! New entries to the Vs. System from @UpperDeckEnt in 2016. —WEM pic.twitter.com/Mzyp3pKmuV
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
"Now featuring Rey" — just to hammer that point home. Hasbro's like, "Are you satisfied now?!" —WEM pic.twitter.com/DALnsDbyDR
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
"Sir, people really like this Rey character." "Rey from accounting?" "No, sir." "Just do what you need to do." —WEM pic.twitter.com/aU3FZgFQni
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
Non-final game board art for Agricola: Family Edition, coming in 2016 from Lookout & @mayfairgames. —WEM pic.twitter.com/TftqAAb6hc
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
Back to the Future gets two games from @IDWGames & @Pandasaurusgame, w/the dice game coming via @darylmandrews. —WEM pic.twitter.com/pcfpberdjz
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
Four non-randomized boosters for @EpicCardGame w/ 12 cards & 1 double-sided token per $5 pack; March-ish 2016. —WEM pic.twitter.com/GY0nAkZQ1m
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
Tenth anniversary edition of Qwirkle from @MindWareToys, now w/ tile racks & scorepad. Autograph not included. —WEM pic.twitter.com/d7uR5ZCe0y
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
Munchkin: Spike Gets Suckered, due out April 2016 ($17), is one of at least two playmats coming from @SJGames. —WEM pic.twitter.com/RW5gXt8fQe
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 15, 2016
Munchkin Marvel from @SJGames & @USAopoly has expansions due in Aug & Oct 2016. Non-final box designs. —WEM pic.twitter.com/5YGFlm3WdK
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 15, 2016
In 2016 @ThinkFun offers an escape-room-in-a-box experience that makes use of its history in logic puzzles. —WEM pic.twitter.com/1ENpnjubEP
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 15, 2016
Circuit Maze (@ThinkFun) follows the pattern of Laser Maze & Gravity Maze w/ subtle science teaching. —WEM pic.twitter.com/az2hesqoUA
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 16, 2016
Colony is a strategy design from @beziergames due out at Spiel 2016; details coming in March. —WEM pic.twitter.com/ImXtltTNC6
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 15, 2016
Two weeks after Nürnberg, Brain Games has a new look for the flicking game Fish-Off, which is now Ice Cool. —WEM pic.twitter.com/fpVWMcOJjx
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 16, 2016
Two mini-expansions for Mage Wars Academy coming from @ArcaneWonders; nothing more than a pic for now. —WEM pic.twitter.com/7PIQ1ztGv0
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 15, 2016
This display case can barely contain Star Wars: Rebellion, releasing in late March/early April from @FFGames. —WEM pic.twitter.com/XeN6AUTmCE
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 15, 2016
Android: Mainframe from @FFGames, which originated as Bauhaus from Gené and Morales in 2013. Now cyberized! —WEM pic.twitter.com/fd1Bv3AGMJ
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 15, 2016
Loot N Run (@ScorpionMasque) combines press-your-luck, set collection & bluffing; overview video coming soon. —WEM pic.twitter.com/GuMn2OX0gz
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 16, 2016
Monster Chase (@Toinito & @ScorpionMasque): Find toys, scare monsters & chase them into the closet. —WEM pic.twitter.com/OLFZtTQ2mb
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 16, 2016
At Gen Con 2016, @BlueOrangeGames plans to have painted New York 1901 figures. —WEM pic.twitter.com/3tftEvhyDv
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 16, 2016
TMNT Dice Masters from @eric_lang, @Elliott_Games & @wizkidsgames comes complete in the box; due in April 2016. —WEM pic.twitter.com/yBgwVhCt3U
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 16, 2016
TMNT Mouser Mayhem is a 2-player starter HeroClix game from @wizkidsgames w/ streamlined rules for first-timers. WEM pic.twitter.com/Xvm7zaFynW
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 16, 2016
This picture of Boogie Dice from @BackNimrod fails to exhibit the marvel of self-rolling dice. Video to follow. —WEM pic.twitter.com/oO0V0ixsxg
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 15, 2016
• And here's the promised video of one of the Boogie Dice in action, courtesy creator Nimrod Back who demonstrated this to me at NY Toy Fair. In short, Boogie Dice is a pair of sound-activated, self-rolling dice that can also serve as timers thanks to the internal programming, and you can adjust the timers in the dice, the color of the lights, etc. via an app. At least one game exists for the dice, which will retail for about $45 from Breaking Games
I can now cover my car with pom-poms, courtesy Pom Pom Wow from @MayaToys_wow. Finally!! —WEM pic.twitter.com/cSjkLQAdra
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016
Scariest statue at @ToyFairNY? —WEM pic.twitter.com/Fojijb5SGE
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 14, 2016