The video is relatively brief, and despite what I stated at the end I never made it back around the hall for more video; instead I took more than one hundred images of various booths, and I'll post those separately once I finish some game previews and other posts. That said, I can offer these two panorama shots of the exhibition hall at Tokyo Big Sight, the top one being taken at about 4:45 (fifteen minutes prior to the end of TGM) and the latter about thirty minutes later, with many of the tables and chairs already being put away and a line of people (at right) queueing to ship games out of Tokyo.
The (good) dilemma of having so many gaming opportunities is that you end up with more material than you can post in a reasonable amount of time, not to mention actually finding time to play the games themselves. (Speaking of which, I still need to finish posting videos from Spiel 2015, but most of those videos are previews of unpublished titles that I recorded away from the BGG booth, so they're still timely. At least I hope they are!)
Oh, and to share one more image for now, my son Traver helped out at Tokyo Game Market by handing out flyers about the Geek Store to roughly 150 exhibitors, and while doing so he picked up a couple of fans: "How old are you?" "Do you have a girlfriend?" He's a little young for you, ladies! After all, first he needs to grow up so that he can fill out my jersey...