As with so many things in 2020, that schedule has been modified due to current events, which means that, for example, the July 2020 release date for Robbie MacNiven's novel Descent – Journeys in the Dark: The Doom of Fallowhearth has been changed to October 6, 2020.
Aconyte has been continuing to prepare work for publication in addition to announcing new titles, such as The Shield of Daqan: A Descent: Journeys in the Dark Novel paperback from David Guymer that bears a publication date of February 2, 2021. What might grab game fans about this novel, however, is this emboldened phrase from the book description:
The once-glorious Barony of Kell is a ruin of its former self, assailed by banditry and famine; its noble Baron Frederick caught between saving his people and defending his borders. Yet worse is to come… for a Dark tide is rising. Sadistic warrior-priestess, Ne'Krul, spying an opportunity to wreak magical mayhem on behalf of her demonic masters, leads her Uthuk warband into a brutal invasion. Kell's only hope lies in holy warrior, Andira Runehand, and legendary hero, Trenloe the Strong, both drawn to Kell to defeat an alliance of evil unprecedented in Terrinoth. They must not fail.
(HT: Ian Short for bringing this to my attention)
Update: Almost immediately after I posted this item, I reloaded the Amazon.com listing for this novel to discover that the description has changed:
But the Amazon.co.uk listing for the novel still features this teaser description — at least for now:
Update, July 13: In response to my question — "The description of The Shield of Daqan suggests that a new edition of Descent: Journeys in the Dark is in the works. Can you confirm that this is happening?" — Aconyte's Anjuli Smith responded: