Scott and Lincoln dove into The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth for five hours (after starting play at 11:00 p.m.), while Steph played Escape Plan and I played Pearl Games' Gen Con 2019 release Black Angel four times in two days, with all of those games lasting 2-2.5 hours. I kept teaching the game to new players, so I was the only one with experience, which made the games last longer as you have a lot to consider in your first playing. You're attempting to put together long-term plans without having an idea of how the game flows from beginning to end, so initially you're kind of taking actions at random, then the lightbulb goes on halfway through the game. (I played game #5 of Black Angel a couple of days after recording this episode, and I now feel ready to record an overview video once I try the solo game once or twice. So much preparation...)
Near the beginning of this episode of The BGG Show, Scott reveals a new initiative we'll debut with the Origins 2019 Preview on Monday, May 6, this being the ability for publishers to take preorders for their new releases through the Preview for pick-up at that convention. I've already showed off this addition to BGG convention previews to more than a dozen publishers, and I'll send out details about this system to publishers on Monday, April 29 along with my RFI letter for Origins 2019. Once the Origins 2019 Preview goes live the following week, I'll post details about the program for you, gentle reader. For now, I'll just say that I'm excited we finally have this system in place!
00:20 Opening and intros
00:52 BGG Spring! Get tickets here: https://boardgamegeek.com/bggcon/spring
02:14 Origins 2019 Convention Preview Preorder Pick-Up
05:17 Very few tickets remain for BGG.CON!
05:45 What Have You Been Playing?: Lincoln - Big Trouble in Little China: The Board Game - Christopher Batarlis, Boris Polonsky, Jim Samartino - Everything Epic Games
08:06 Eric - Black Angel - Sébastien Dujardin, Xavier Georges, Alain Orban - Pearl Games
14:56 Scott - The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth - Nathan I. Hajek, Grace Holdinghaus - Fantasy Flight Games
21:47 Steph - Hadara - Benjamin Schwer - Hans im Glück
26:21 Escape Plan - Vital Lacerda - Eagle-Gryphon Games
29:41 Roll-and-writes galore
31:28 News and New Releases: Bloodborne: The Board Game & God of War: The Card Game
33:54 Mensa Select winners
36:28 Kickstarter News: Terraforming Mars: Turmoil - Jacob Fryxelius - FryxGames, Stronghold Games
38:17 Oceans - Nick Bentley, Dominic Crapuchettes, Ben Goldman, Brian O'Neill - North Star Games
40:22 Kickstarter slowing down?
43:03 Goodbyes