This expansion will be available in U.S. retail outlets on October 12, 2022, and originating publisher Feuerland Spiele and other licensees will announce release plans separately.
Aside from this release, during a 100-person Ark Nova event at Gen Con 2022, Capstone Games revealed a few details about Ark Nova: Aquarius, the first expansion for Ark Nova, which Capstone Games expects to release in mid-2023. Here are a few details of what to expect:
Roughly half the sea animals are reef dwellers, and whenever you add a reef dweller to your zoo, you trigger the ability of all reef dwellers in your zoo. To deal with the increased randomness of more cards being added to the deck, all sea cards feature a wave icon, and whenever you replenish the display, if the first card has a wave icon, you discard it, then replenish.
A fourth university — the breed registry — is available on the association board, and if you take it, you claim one of six special universities from the reserve that feature one research icon and one of six animal icons. When you take this registry, you reveal cards from the top of the deck and keep the first revealed card with an animal icon that matches your chosen university.
For each of the five action cards, four alternate versions with a little twist will be available. Players draft action cards at the start of play, replacing two of their standard action cards with these new ones, increasing the asymmetry in the game. The build action, for example, might allow you to spend 2 money once per action to build over a water or rock space, with the upgraded side of the card allowing you to do this for free. The animal action might allow you to ignore one condition on an animal card that you're playing when you have the chance to put two animals into play, but play only one.
New bonus tiles and final scoring cards will also be included.
All four of these games spilled components across a pretty wide area. For those not in the know, Hamburg is a revamped version of 2013's Bruges and its expansions, Amsterdam is a revamped version of 2009's Macao, and New York City is a revamped version of 2013's Rialto, whereas Marrakesh is a new design.
Queen Games has noted that copies of these games will start being delivered to European backers of its crowdfunding projects "soon", with the games being available for purchase at SPIEL '22 in October.
Aside from these four titles, Queen Games has revealed a bit of info about the next two titles of the "Stefan Feld City Collection", with title #5 being Vienna, a re-imagining of 2014's La Isla in which players will search to discover spies hidden around the city. The publisher notes that Vienna "has the most changes to gameplay and aesthetics seen in the series so far".
Cuzco is a re-imagining of 2013's Bora Bora with no other details at this time.
More generally, Queen Games notes that its developers have been meeting weekly for the past two years to work with Feld on his designs. As for how often you can expect to see these titles, "fans should expect 2-4 new titles in the series to be released every year for the next 3-4 years", with no set number at the moment as to how many games will comprise the full series. Current plans call for Vienna and Cuzco to be crowdfunded in Q4 2022 for a projected release in Q3 2023.