No release date is listed for Targi: The Expansion beyond 2020, but that's a more definitive date than at any time in the past from Thames & Kosmos, so for now we'll have to pull up to the oasis and await more details...
Rococo-old• U.S. publisher Eagle-Gryphon Games has announced a January 22, 2020 preorder date for Rococo: Deluxe Edition, a new edition of the Rococo board game from designers Matthias Cramer,...
Many games released by Japanese designers through their own publishing brands are card games since these types of designs are relatively inexpensive to produce, don't take up a lot of space, and...
• On Vice, Gabriel Soares writes about "one of colonialism's most toxic narratives" in 4X video games and how new titles might be moving on to fresher ground. (Soares mentions only video games...
• In a mid-December 2019 newsletter, Michael Mindes of Tasty Minstrel Games noted that the company is changing course in 2020: "TMG will publish fewer new titles. This is both fewer TMG...
Time to catch up on more older game announcements that have been languishing in my inbox:• St. Noire is a murder mystery game from new publisher X2 Games and designers Zai Ortiz and Nolan...