• Devir's Matt Hyland told us that the company has picked up the English-language license for several titles from German publisher Schmidt Spiele: Cockroach Poker, Cheating Moth, The Magic Labyrinth, and Mille Fiori, with the deal for the latter title having been first announced at GAMA Expo 2022 in March. These titles should be available in the U.S. in October 2022.
• Also due out that month is Lacrimosa from Gerard Ascensi and Ferran Renalias, with this medium-to-heavy game debuting at SPIEL '22 in early October before a retail release at the end of the month. Here's an overview of this 1-4 player game that Hyland described as a combination of hand management, deck construction, and worker placement:
In Lacrimosa, players take the roles of patrons of the late musician, contributing with their fundings to the composer's works one last time. During the game, you play in two different timelines: the present and the past. In the present, you commission the missing parts of the Requiem from other composers in order to complete it. When developing past events, the game takes place in five epochs in which you contribute by buying new compositions from the composer to sell or exhibit, accompany him on the different journeys through the main courts and theaters in Europe, and gather the resources you need in order to support the musician during his career.
During the game, you play cards from a limited hand that you will improve as the game progresses. These cards can be played either as actions or as resource generators, and players need to optimize their resources and finances in order to support their best version of the story and their relationship with Mozart.
Winter is a two-player game by Maria Blasco Arnandis and Enrique Blasco in which you first freeze the landscape by playing cards to form groups of four snowflakes that you then mark with chips. When you unfreeze, players alternate removing chips and cards, and if you are the last player with chips on the board, you win.
• Finally, we had a peek at two titles due out in March 2023, with Rodrigo Rego's Savernake Forest challenging you to build paths in the forest to help your animal friends build their pantry ahead of winter.
Bamboo from designer Germán P. Millán is set in the world of Silk and Millán's own Bitoku, with players filling their houses with tiles, while trying to keep things in equilibrium despite the restrictions that build in terms of what can be placed where. In some detail, here's an overview of this 2-4 player game that plays in 90-110 minutes:
—Receiving money.
—Collecting food to feed the family at the end of every round.
—Improving their home by buying improvement tiles from the main board and placing them in their personal board.
—Obtaining or executing balance tiles, which award points to players depending on how they placed their improvement tiles.
The game ends after four rounds, and the player who managed to get the most happiness points wins.