Here's a draft of the cover artwork for the German edition of Porta Nigra from eggertspiele and its publishing partner Pegasus Spiele:
I published an overview of Porta Nigra in January 2015 when eggertspiele first announced the game, but here's a slightly more detailed description:
The game Porta Nigra (which translates as "black gate") is set in that place and time with the players taking on the roles of Roman architects working on the city gate of Porta Nigra. Each player commands a master builder, who moves around a circular track on the game board, enabling you to buy or build only where this master builder is located. Moving the master builder to farther locations along the track is expensive, so players must plan their movements and builds carefully. The number and type of actions that may be performed on your turn comes from cards in your personal draw deck.
Buildings are erected physically at the various locations around the city using 3D building pieces.
Stronghold Games notes that Porta Nigra is game #1 in its "Great Designer Series", a position previously held by Martin Wallace's Age of Reason, as noted in Dec. 2014. Stronghold's Stephen Buonocore says, "The Age of Reason project is being postponed indefinitely. I still want to do the game, but we have to postpone it for now."