The Valley Games logo would create brand recognition on retail store shelves as well as instilling confidence that a company with proven production is behind the campaign.
Since then, lots has happened. Radiant Gaming has successfully delivered a beautiful product in what is D-Day Dice to over 2,400 supporters. Lines for Life in D-Day Dice are secure, and Airborne In Your Pocket is proceeding with final art and layout at the moment and will be moving to pre-production shortly.
The Radiant Gaming website is not yet finished, we are sorry. However, a website does not make a company. We feel the successful delivery of a top-notch production of D-Day Dice and continuous support of the community does.
The current proceedings against Valley Games does not affect Radiant Gaming's intent or ability to deliver a high quality version of Airborne In Your Pocket nor does it affect Radiant Gaming's ability to deliver Up Front.
We are gamers and have a face in the industry. When we attend game shows, we play games with our customers, designers and other publishers. We have developed friendships and intend to maintain those and develop more. Losing this is not an option for us, and we would never do anything that would jeopardize this. Bringing good games to the community is what we have done in the past and is what we will continue to do.
We have been quiet throughout this entire process, as our legal counsel has advised, and will continue to remain silent on topics specific to what is currently proceeding though the courts.
However this ends, Radiant Gaming WILL NOT be affected and cannot be held accountable for decisions against Valley Games and thus your contributions/pledges to Up Front are secure and we will deliver Up Front as promised.
(Editor's note: Given the current situation with Valley Games, Radiant Gaming, Up Front, Phil Sauer, and their overlapping circles of activity both in the courts and elsewhere, I invited Rik Falch to make a statement about the current situation with that game and about both companies involved in its production. Sauer summarizes his situation in this post on BGG. —WEM)