First up is Arve D. Fühler's Scharfe Schoten, whose name I blow when announcing the game on the video. Arrgh! Earlier that day I had recorded game demos with Arnd Fischer from KOSMOS, and I goofed. I hate making mistakes like this, but that's the hazard of recording stuff at conventions as you often don't know about mistakes until it's too late and you can't time travel to do another take. (If I could time travel, I would probably not be re-recording game demo videos, but I hate making mistakes enough that I might squeeze them in anyway.) Apologies, Herr Fühler!
• If you know one thing about Zoch Verlag, you know that it publishes lots of chicken-themed games from company co-founder Klaus Zoch. That habit continues with the April 2014 release of Zicke Zacke Ei Ei Ei, the cover of which is an instant eye-catcher for kids of all ages. Maybe it's just me, but I can't imagine kids walking past this in stores and not pointing it out to siblings and parents.
• One of the benefits of attending trade fairs like Spielwarenmesse is that you can run into designers and get them to explain their own games, as is the case here with Carlo A. Rossi and his Leg los! The downside, however, is that sometimes the designer can't answer every question put to him by a pesky interviewer as a few years have likely passed since he designed the game, and it's possibly been changed in the meantime by the publisher and its internal developers. Ah, well — thanks for being a good sport, Carlo!
• Zoch Verlag was an outlier at Spielwarenmesse 2014 as I received game demoes from a different person for almost every new release. Lots of folks on hand to show off what they're doing! For Jeroen Geenen's Cherry Picking, due out in March 2014, Zoch's Andreas Preiss showed off the game since he was the editor in charge of its development.
• Preiss was also the editor for Thierry Chapeau's Putz die Wutz, a name that elicits a giggle from me each time I say it. Yes, sometimes I'm still a ten-year-old at heart. Andreas has a great voice for demonstrations and gets off nice lines as well: "As you get wiser in the ways of piggie-scrubbing..." I know exactly what you mean, Andreas!
• Finally, Zoch has a new version of Touko Tahkokallio's Enigma due out in April 2014, with rules in its usual four languages (English, German, French and Italian), but rather than spend time shooting an overview of this new version I was content to show off (once again) the video that I recorded with the original version from Finnish publisher Competo. Note that the graphics have been overhauled in the Zoch version — as shown in the image below that I shot in Nürnberg — and note as well that Z-Man Games and Filosofia Édition will be releasing the Zoch version in English- and French-specific editions at some point in 2014.