• Gil d'Orey of MESAboardgames and Antonio Sousa Lara have chosen an interesting battleground for the area control game VIRAL: a human body, with players each being a different virus that is trying to spread from organ to organ, mutating as you go to keep ahead of the antibodies that will keep you in check should you score.
• The Mensa-winning tile-laying game Lanterns: The Harvest Festival receives an expansion in January 2017 from designer Jason D. Kingsley and publisher Renegade Game Studios, with Lanterns: The Emperor's Gifts consisting of five modules, of which two are used in each game.
• Dan Cassar's The Blood of an Englishman from Renegade is a two-player asymmetric battle between Jack and the giant, with the former trying to snatch three treasures at the top of beanstalks before the latter can cry Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum to send Jack crashing back to Earth.
• Wibbell++ is not only a game, but also a game system — consisting of cards with funky borders that feature two letters on them — created by Behrooz Shahriari, who publishes designs under a Stuff By Bez label. Bez and I sample three of the games, giving you a taste of what's coming ahead of the next Bez Day on August 1, 2017!