• Okay, this video isn't quite a preview, but unless you live in Portugal, you're unlikely to have run across Estoril 1942: A Game of Spies from designers Gil d'Orey and Antonio Sousa Lara and d'Orey's MESAboardgames. As d'Orey explains, Estoril in Portugal was a spy hangout during World War II, and players compete to build up their own spy network.
• Designers Nuno Bizarro Sentieiro and Paulo Soledade are known for complex games like Madeira, Panamax, and Nippon, but that's not all that they can do. For evidence I present I Love Portugal, a bare bones deck-building game that MESAboardgames will release in 2016.
• Jun Hwan Mun's Ice Cream from UBO CnC is a quick-playing "take that" card game that has you serving scoops to opponents to put the hurt on them.
• UBO CnC also plans to release Ten Cats by Hiroki Kaneko and Madoka Kitao, a reimplementation of Kitao's Jushimatsu that's now for 2-3 players, with each one trying to line up ten kitties in a row by drawing and placing tiles from a personal bag. (My confusion during this presentation stemmed from me realizing that I knew this game, but I somehow couldn't articulate it. The main difference appears to be the presence of components for up to three players in the box.)
• While walking through Hall 7 at Spiel 2015 to the BGG stand, I repeatedly passed a booth for Baccum, a publisher that I had never heard of featuring a game that I also had never heard of. A mission! During the convention, I recorded an overview of Generalship with co-designer Minwoo Hyun, created listings in the BGG database for the game and publisher, and uploaded images for each.
After doing all of that so expeditiously, I'm now finally posting the video more than two months afterward. Sometimes you're on the ball; sometimes you're the ball...