Having had a chance to see the game in action at Spiel 2015, however, I find the design an interesting blend of the digital and physical, using both elements in ideal ways for a game that has you trying to populate a world with a teetering stack of animals, food and miracles.
• Designer Dave Cousins released Safe Breaker, a quick-playing deduction game, through his own North and South Games at Spiel 2014, and for Spiel 2015 Smart Zone Games has licensed the design and upped the production values tremendously, replacing the cards from the original with magnetic half-towers that give you something to play with while trying to suss out who owns which towers.
• For the tenth anniversary of Reiner Knizia's Pickomino, a.k.a. Heckmeck am Bratwurmeck, Zoch Verlag has released Heckmeck Extrawurm, which adds new tiles and powers to the press-your-luck dice game.
• Nitro Glyxerol from Luca Borsa and Andrea Mainini is Zoch Verlag's speed-based dexterity game for 2015. Does Zoch actually release one such game annually? I'm not sure, but the title does feature animal poop and that item definitely finds a place in at least one Zoch release each year. Standards and all that...
• Designer Stefan Kloß has paired with his wife Anna Oppolzer to put together a sequel to 2014's Beasty Bar from Zoch Verlag. This new title, Beasty Bar: New Beasts in Town, falls into the now standard format of being a standalone expansion, with players once again trying to get their animals into the club by using special powers and manipulation.