Thankfully many of the videos still to be posted are ones that I recorded away from the BGG booth, videos that serve as previews of forthcoming games — which means that I'm not late with these videos after all! Instead they serve as previews of what's coming in 2016! Why, that's just good planning on my part (as long as we ignore the videos for which this is not true).
In any case, let's look first at an overview of Histrio from Bruno Cathala and Christian Martinez, which publisher Bombyx will also release as Fourberies in French. The gist of the game is that players are pulling together a troupe of animal actors to put on a play, manipulating the tastes of the king so that he's anticipating what you plan to deliver. The artwork by Jérémie Fleury is amazing; here's a sample showing the queen. Intense! (Tric Trac published an excellent overview of Fleury's work on this game, showing sketches and historical influences, along with finished illustrations.)
• Cathala also showed off the card game Zany Penguins, a co-design with Mathieu Lanvin that Bombyx will debut at the Cannes game festival in February 2016 before releasing the game in France in March and elsewhere in later months.