• "We are all Scottish nobles," says designer Yan Egorov in a Russian accent that belies the truth of that statement, but make-believe is a part of games playing, and Swords and Bagpipes from Rightgames retells the First War of Scottish Independence, with players trying to support both England and Scotland based on how they'll profit from the war's outcome.
• Danila Goryunov's Big Brain Bang from Rightgames is a combination party game/area control game, which sounds like something I've never seen before, but perhaps I've just had my memory neurons that remember that combination wiped.
• This video on the Evolution: Origin of the Species "Fatality" variant rules from Rightgames and the Variation mini-expansion for Evolution from Dmitry Knorre and Sergey Machin will take less time to watch than the time you've just spent reading this paragraph. Well, almost less time. Depends on how long I keep extending this paragraph, I suppose...
• In Midmoon: The City of Guilds from Pandora's Box and Rightgames, players try to build up said city to a larger hub of business activity. One odd thing about this game is that I approved the game listing in early October, the publisher uploaded images, then at some point it was sent back to the revision queue, thereby making it invisible for anyone who isn't an admin. Curious, although stranger bugs have happened in the database before...
• Designer Henri Kermarrec has already written a designer diary on his strategy game Ekö from Sit Down! for BGG News, and now you can hear him describe the game in person, giving you a voice in which to read the diary should your brain work along those lines.