• Of course Through the Ages might have been the most anticipated CGE title simply because Chvátil's Codenames debuted at Gen Con 2015 and has already been played tens of thousands of times since then, with me contributing roughly twenty of those plays. Codenames has proved to be a great opener and closer both during game sessions, with new arrivals being welcomed into the game midplay or leaving on schedule late at night while others continue to puzzle over the names. (CGE noted on Oct. 28 that more copies of Codenames have arrived in the U.S. and EU, so copies should be available in stores soon.)
• Chvátil was also responsible for CGE's Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends – Nethervoid, a new faction deck for Tash-Kalar that adds a gateway to the playing area that becomes important for the new kids in town.
• Despite appearances, CGE does publish games from other designers, with Vladimír Suchý's The Prodigals Club being a spinoff game/expansion of his Last Will, with the player politicians now trying to lose status, possessions, and support from voters.
• Despite the Posthuman title, you are indeed a human in Gordon Calleja's design from Mr. B Games and Mighty Box, one of the last humans in a world of posthuman mutants, and surprisingly the game doesn't just have you sit in a corner and rock back-and-forth in terror. Okay, maybe not that surprisingly...
• The King Is Dead is a new version of Peer Sylvester's König von Siam from Osprey Games, with the action now taking place in the un-United Kingdom following the death of King Arthur.