• Pi mal Pflaumen is the first pure card game from designer Matthias Cramer, and while the initial description of it from Pegasus Spiele references tricks, it isn't a trick-taking game as much as a bidding game in which each player lays out a single card, then they take turns claiming one of the cards based on the strength of what they played. All cards depict fruits; some cards have scoring contracts that you can fulfill by discarding sets of fruit, while other cards have special actions.
I played Pi mal Pflaumen once at a dinner event during Spiel 2015 and bought a copy immediately the next day. It has the feel of a trick-taking game in that you want to position yourself well in order to take what you need, while being a set-collection game at heart with the contracts driving your actions in later turns as those determine what you actually need!
• Christoph Toussaint's OctoDice from Pegasus uses the setting of Stefan Feld's AquaSphere in a dice game, challenging players to keep the octopods at bay while also expanding their lab to take special actions.
• Mondo: Der rasante Legespaß is a small version of Michael Schacht's real-time tile-laying game Mondo that can be played on its own or combined with the original game.
• Rüdiger Dorn's Istanbul: Mocha & Baksheesh adds four new tiles to his 2014 Kenerspiel des Jahres-winning Istanbul, which greatly increases the variety allowed during set-up and play.
• The 2014 Spiel des Jahres winner, Steffen Bogen's Camel Up, also had an expansion available at Spiel 2015, with Camel Up: Supercup consisting of four modules that can be used individually or in combination, with up to ten players now being allowed to play at the same time.
• As with the previous expansion, Port Royal: Ein Auftrag geht noch... adds four new modules to the base game — Alexander Pfister's Port Royal — while also including rules for solitaire and co-operative play.
• Mmm! from Reiner Knizia and Pegasus is a quick-playing press-your-luck dice game for children and their parents. I've played this ten times, mostly with just my 6yo son, but also with his friends, and I need to record an overview video of my own to do this game justice — not that it needs my help necessarily seeing as it won Austria's Spiel der Spiele award in 2015.
• Pegasus Spiele purchased children's game publisher Selecta Spielzeug in January 2015, and it's now published new versions of four games, including two Kinderspiel des Jahres winners — Maskenball der Käfer and Viva Topo! — and two other titles — Hopp hopp Häschen and KidJ nominee Zoowaboo.