Hall 2 is kind of the catch-all place at Spiel, with board game publishers, RPG publishers, costume sellers, used game vendors, comic dealers, and much more. Take a look!
When I started thinking about the game now called The Golden Ages, it was February 2010. For a long time, I was mumbling about civilization games, a kind of game that I have loved since the first...
Spiel 2015 opens on Thursday, October 8, which means that many exhibitors have already spent a day or longer on the construction of their booths, especially the larger publishers that create more...
Every time I start working on a new idea, I always ask myself the same question: "What would I like to play?" This time I thought: "I like the feeling of cooperative games; I love the dynamics in...
Spiel — more completely, Internationale Spieltage — is an annual game convention in Essen, Germany for which I create a huge preview highlighting hundreds of new games that will debut there...
Favor of the Pharaoh is a dice game for 2-4. Players roll dice to claim tiles — which grant more dice, powers to manipulate dice, or tokens — preparing for a final roll-off for the Pharaoh's...