In any case, we'll kick off with designer/publisher Friedemann Friese talking about the big title from his 2F-Spiele – Copycat.
And Friese also presented Unexpected Treasures, a remake of his decade-old Fundstücke, which had exactly one post in the BGG forums prior to the announcement of this new edition. Now more videos have been posted about the game than the number of written posts in the previous ten years. How times have changed!
John Paul Brisigotti from Battlefront Miniatures Ltd presents Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery, which will be released in seven languages prior to the end of 2012. Seems amazing to me, but I guess folks around the world dig the Spartacus television series – something I didn't know existed prior to running across this game on BGG.
Giovanni Intini, one of the founding partners of new Italian publisher Yemaia, talks about the company's debut release – Al Rashid from designers Giorgio De Michele and Pierluca Zizzi, which floated near the top of BGG's Geekbuzz standings throughout Spiel 2012.
Matthias Wagner from ABACUSSPIELE gives a rundown of Michael Schacht's Zooloretto Würfelspiel, which was released in Germany in the first half of 2012. Sorry I missed you, Matthias! With all the people I met during Spiel 2012 (and who probably each gave me a different virus), I missed picking up one from Matthias. Also, I forgot to get the new Presidents expansion for Airlines Europe. If only there had been some kind of, I don't know, comprehensive list of what was available at Spiel, perhaps I would have remembered to pick it up. Someone get on that, will ya?
Wagner also presents ABACUS' version of Antoine Bauza's Hanabi, which has already been released in a number of editions since its debut in 2010 from small French publisher Les XII Singes. Oh, and a small tidbit of news to justify my existence here: U.S. publisher R&R Games has picked up the English-language rights to Hanabi and plans to release the game in the U.S. in early 2013.