![SPIEL '21 Preview Nears 500 Titles](https://cf.geekdo-images.com/fVMykvatjiaFIsE8a3oXSw__medium/img/uHh_C5GK7GXcI4_7HLBaepTjH2U=/fit-in/500x500/filters:no_upscale():strip_icc()/pic6439563.jpg)
DTDA Games showed up at SPIEL '19 seemingly out of nowhere with Efemeris, and now it's a late arrival at SPIEL '21, too, with the publisher not being listed in Merz Verlag's SPIEL-GUIDE 2021 or its late registration list from the end of September.
What's more, I just heard from Korean publisher Playte — formerly OPEN'N PLAY — which booked at SPIEL '21 the week of October 4. Yes, Merz Verlag is still booking publishers down to the wire, and I need to get those titles listed ASAP, even though they'll be available only for demo right now.
Ideally I can give you a good picture of what will be there in Essen to help you know what you want there on your table...