That said, I don't create videos for the views. Views are nice and all, yes, but if I just wanted views, I'd pump out new videos every day and cover, say, the top ten most anticipated games on the SPIEL '18 Preview to the exclusion of the games in which I actually have an interest. Everyone's tastes are unique, and my videos tend to reflect my tastes and interests. I tend to focus on the games that come to the table enough that I can comment on them in a reasonable way based on multiple playing experiences.
At this point, though, I've run out of time for individual reflective and purposeful game previews, so let's end with a blitz of game info, with most of the commentary being based on one or more playings of a game, but with some of what I'm saying based solely on a reading of the rules or background knowledge of the game, designer, publisher, or world at large. I would have liked to have talked about each of these games in more detail, but time is not kind — especially considering that I tried to render this 69-minute round-up multiple times at 1920x1080 and Adobe Premier kept laughing at me. I need to strip mine my laptop, I suppose, to recover more working space in the backroom for such things to render. Thus, this video is being presented at only 1080x720. I'm still HD in real life, though, if that's any compensation.
I apologize to the publishers and designers whose creations I failed to cover in the time allowed. Perhaps we can start earlier on such things in 2019, please?
Additionally, I'm finishing this post at SPIEL '18 on Wednesday when I have multiple press appointments to attend, so I regretfully have not timestamped anything. If someone wants to create such a list — e.g., 1:03:40 - Fantasy Flight Games - Discover: Lands Unknown — I will shower you with GeekGold. Call dibs if you're interested!