August 2011 will see two release from S&D, the first being Sutakku, a push-your-luck dice game that will debut at Gen Con. Says Covert in a press release for the game, "We're known for our 'stab a friend in the back' style game play, but in Sutakku, there's more of a 'screw yourself' vibe as you try to pull ahead or catch the current leader." Here's a short game description:
The other August 2011 release is a new adventure module for Cutthroat Caverns with "The Daggers of Strife" from Jonathan Lavalee and two mini-adventures from Covert.
Arriving in September/October 2011 is the second edition of Run for Your Life, Candyman!, which is somewhat changed from the first edition. Says Covert, "You can look forward to shorter game play, a few updated/added rules, sexy new die cut tokens with art unique to each cookie character, and 18 new cards. The box will be labeled as Second Edition and is graphically covered in black licorice, so you can easily see this is the new game."
He adds, "For those who have a copy of the original and just want the extra card set, I'll have a limited supply of cards for sale."