The publisher's description below for Bretwalda should give you a rough idea of what it's all about, but I'm sure more details are coming since it's going to be launched for crowdfunding on Gamefound on June 15, 2022:
Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex and East Angles. The four largest kingdoms of Britain. All vie for supremacy. Take control of one of these kingdoms. Subdue the Viking raiders. Use diplomacy, coercion and, if necessary brute, military strength to overcome your rivals. Claim the crown. Become the Bretwalda.
Bretwalda is a game for 1-to-4 players that plays in around 2 hours. Each player takes charge of one of the kingdoms of England. Each kingdom has unique leaders and abilities. Victory is achieved through a combination of control of key areas, completing Chronicles, and constructing Abbeys to support the spread of Christianity across the land.
Play is fast-paced. Over 12 seasons players compete by taking collection, development, mobilization and movement actions. With only 2 actions permitted per season, each decision is critical. Each season will see new events, and the armies of Vikings or independent Kingdoms may arrive or be bribed to attack rivals. Bartering and alliance-building are essential to success, but, with conquest critical to victory, betrayal is never far away.
Wayfarers of the South Tigris plays with 1–4 players in 60–90 minutes and features a unique mix of worker placement, dice placement, and tableau building, and is all about exploring medieval Baghdad. Here's a bit more on the setting and what you can expect from Wayfarers of the South Tigris:
The aim of Wayfarers of the South Tigris is to be the player with the most victory points (VP) at the game's end. Points are primarily gained by mapping the land, water, and sky. Players can also gain points from upgrading their caravans, by gaining inspiration from nobles, and by influencing the three guilds of science, trade and exploration. As they make discoveries, players will want to quickly journal their progress. The game ends once one player’s marker has reached the far right column of the journal track.
In Inferno, 1-2 players represent factions from the republics of Firenze and Siena and vie for control of medieval Tuscany. Depending on the scenario you play, a game of Inferno can be played in 60–360 minutes.
Here are more details on the history Inferno introduces to the Levy & Campaign Series:
The comuni (republics) of Firenze (Florence) and Siena dominated inland Tuscany at the head of competing alliances. As Guelphs sealed their control of the more populous Firenze, Ghibelline Siena turned to the Hohenstaufen King Manfredi of Naples for help. Local rebellions and reprisals escalated on each side, as political exiles stirred the pot. After Manfredi dispatched German knights to protect his loyal Tuscans, Firenze mustered its people and allies to march on Siena, which responded with its own great army. Pisa and Lucca, Lombardia and Umbria joined in. Guelph and Ghibelline faced off en masse at Montaperti in September 1260, in what turned out a bloody Florentine defeat. As Ghibelline exiles returned to grip Firenze, its Guelphs rallied to Lucca and Arezzo, portending an eternal inferno of fighting.
Inferno—the third volume in Volko Ruhnke’s Levy & Campaign Series—visits the conflagration that was 13th-Century Tuscan warfare, factional conflict fueled by the money and burgeoning population of the region’s well-to-do cities and mountain valleys. Veteran Italian wargame designer Enrico Acerbi applies his deep knowledge of the age to bring it to life within Volko’s accessible medieval-operational system. Gathering enough transport and provender may not so much be the challenge here as the sudden impediment of rebel towns and castles along key roads. Tuscany’s unruly berrovieri horsemen, famed elite crossbowmen, and distinctive palvesari shield bearers are just a few of the unique features of this volume. Muster, mount up, and find out whose blood will make the Arbia run red!
I've had a wonderful time attending SDHistCon's online conventions since the pandemic started, but I'm especially looking forward to this one, considering Nevsky and Almoravid sit on my "shelf of opportunity" in desperate need of my attention. I'm looking forward to being schooled by the Levy & Campaign designers and making some new friends along the way.
• Rise of Tokugawa is the first expansion for Archona Games' 2020 release, Small Samurai Empires, designed by Milan Tasevski. Rise of Tokugawa was successfully funded on Kickstarter in March 2022 (KS link) and is open for late pledges.
Small Samurai Empires is an action-programming, area-control game for 2-4 players that plays in 45-90 minutes, where players fight for control of Japan with their armies of Samurai. The Rise of Tokugawa expansion adds a solo mode, components for a 5th player, and introduces some new twists to the base game, as briefly noted below by the publisher:
As house Tokugawa rises to power, many of the daimyos prepare for the inevitable – an all-out war between the houses. No-one is safe, not even within the great castle walls.
Train your Samurai to be invincible warriors. Deploy archers, elite units and generals and use your unique tactics to bring an advantage to the battlefield. Prepare for siege and glorious battles. For glory and honor!