Note that Spielwarenmesse in Nürnberg and the NY Toy Fair are both trade shows, which means that publishers are showing games to retailers, distributors, licensors, and other buyers without the product being available for purchase. Heck, the general public isn't allowed into either show, so there's no point in having copies for sale anyway. In most cases, the games shown will be released in the first half of 2017, so think of this preview as a guide for what's to come. Note that most of the games listed on this preview will be from larger publishers (relatively speaking, mind you, given the size of the hobby industry), so not all games forthcoming in 2017 will be included.
Festival International des Jeux in Cannes, on the other hand, is open to the public, with French publishers both demoing upcoming releases and debuting titles at the show. I have no idea exactly what I'll find there, but I've reached out to many publishers that I expect will be there and will keep my eye out for announcements wherever I can.
With that preamble out of the way, I encourage you to visit BGG's Nürnberg/NYC/Cannes 2017 Preview, where you will see the huge SF game Seeders, Series 1: Exodus from Sweet November that will be the first in a series, the transformation of yet another board game to a card game in Scotland Yard: Das Kartenspiel from Ravensburger, the newest iteration of Grzegorz Rejchtman's creation with Ubongo Junior 3-D from KOSMOS, two new editions of old Feld games from alea, and (most exciting to me) the newest game from Kris Burm, LYNGK, which HUCH! & friends won't debut until SPIEL 2017. The preview is relatively short right now, but the 2016 edition topped two hundred games by the time I finished, so it will be sure to grow substantially by the end of February!