GTG Productions
Okay, I am biased here as I have wanted board games to enter the streaming space for more than year now, but this may be the coolest thing I saw at PAX East in 2015. The Greater Than Games team has put together a system to livestream tournaments of their games.
Similar to the set-up that BGG has at Gen Con and Spiel, these guys have also added in commentators in a separate location. There was even a TV at their booth that a passerby could watch if desired. All in all, a very cool set-up.
Curt Covert from Smirk & Dagger Games took the time to show me a new game it will release in the middle of 2015 called Nevermore. In this game, players are trying to curse other players and turn them into ravens. Being a raven does not eliminate you from the game; it just changes the way you play. The game features a mix of bidding and bluffing mechanisms which seem to gel nicely.
Check out the video for a closer look at the art and design of the game:
Heavy Steam and Ninja Dice Expansion
In 2014, we took an early look at Heavy Steam, an interesting miniatures game from GreenBrier Games that has Eurostyle resource management mechanisms mixed in. That game is nearing release, so we were able to get a better look at the final components here. We also got a chance to take a look at the new Ninja Dice: Kage Masters expansion that was on Kickstarter in March 2015.
We had a chance to check out Twirk, a new word game from JR Honeycutt, podcaster and finalist in the recent BGG Summoner Wars tournament. The goal is to make five (or more) letter words as quickly as you can by using communal cards (think Texas hold 'em) as well as cards in your hand and vowel dice.