Asmadi Games Update
I had the chance to sit down with Chris Cieslik from Asmadi Games at PAX East and he gave me a quick rundown of what they have coming up this year. First off was Adorable Pandaring, a quick-playing panda card game that is on Kickstarter now. He also updated us on Heat and Consequential.
Chris also teased a new storytelling game in the vein of Tales of Arabian Nights. You'll have to check out the video for the full details:
Funemployed! is back again after a first run with a new publisher and an updated package. In Funemployed! you are trying to vie for a job using a hand of trait cards. Your goal is to tell why each of these wacky traits makes you the best person for the job. It is part Apples to Apples, part drama exercise.
Check out the video for more details on the game and when you can get your hands on it:
Letter Tycoon
Okay, this is one of the most interesting games I have seen in a long time, plus it has a plastic zeppelin in the box. Letter Tycoon is a word game with a twist. You are aiming to form words to score points; however, on top of that you can buy stock in certain letters so you score when they are used. It is a wacky combination of Euro economic game with a classic word game. It looked fascinating. It is being printed now for planned delivery later in 2015.
Ad Magic / Breaking Games
We had a chance to catch up with Ad Magic CEO Shari Sparo and find out how Ad Magic is becoming a board game publisher in its own right with Breaking Games. Check out an update from her on the growing scope of Ad Magic. (Note: This video contains strong language in reference to a game title.) (Editor's note: I'd link to the game, but it has no listing in the BGG database. You can visit their website and make it happen. —WEM)