Attack the Darkness
Talk about a loaded box, Attack the Darkness features hundreds of cards to create random dungeon adventures for you and your friends. It has a unique twist in that you add modifiers to your attacks that determine their ultimate strength.
High Heavens
The aerial miniatures game High Heavens has been through two successful Kickstarter campaigns, and it had a strong showing at PAX East. The miniatures look excellent, and the way the miniatures actually stand above the game board was drawing a lot of attention.
Now on Kickstarter (KS link), the tactical card game Mix! has you mixing colors to score points all the while trying to achieve a secret goal. It features clean and simple design with pretty straightforward rules
Pleasant Dreams
The two-player bluffing and card-counting game Pleasant Dreams is playable in just five minutes, and we actually played through a game before doing the video. The Kickstarter finished in April 2014, and the game should be available before the end of the year.
Kobolds and Resistor
This was the first year for the UnPub area at PAX East. Springing from the East Coast convention for unpublished board games, UnPub provides a place for new designers to show off their games. As an example of what was being showed, here are two games from a pair of designers: Kobolds and Resistor.
Runes and Ruin
From Fifth Column Games, a company that generally does digital games, comes this new Bang!-inspired card game. Runes and Ruin looks to change up the classic hidden roles formula.