In any case, I've now received the following list of FFG titles bearing an October 2011 release, starting with a biggie that many gamers have been waiting on for more than a year: Blood Bowl: Team Manager - The Card Game. That's the only standalone game on the calendar; everything else is an expansion in one form or another.
Expansion for a big box game
-----• Runewars: Banners of War
Expansions for Living Card Games
-----• A Game of Thrones: The Card Game - Tourney for the Hand
-----• Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game - Dunwich Denizens
-----• Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game - The Breathing Jungle
-----• The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game - Return to Mirkwood
-----• Warhammer: Invasion - The Iron Rock
Expansions for other titles
-----• Dust Tactics: "Heavy Recon Grenadiers" - Schwer Sturmgrenadiere Ausf. A
-----• Dust Tactics: "Red Devils" - British Paratroops, 3rd Para Brigade
-----• Tannhäuser: Itami