• Swipe Out! from R&R Games is a quick, silly family game that stands out mostly because the designer — Oswald Greene — has been involved with numerous Grand Theft Auto titles and is now transitioning to family games since he has a family of his own.
• A Sherlock game not based on deduction? Seems impossible, but Diego Ibañez's Holmes: Sherlock & Mycroft from Devir Americas exists and we demoed it on camera, so however improbable it must be the truth.
• Patrick Nickell of Crash of Games announced in late May 2016 that he had obtained the rights to release a new edition of Finca, and if the wood bits shown here in the unrelated Fish Frenzy by Brett J. Gilbert are any indication, the new Finca will look as chunky and woody as the old one. Aside from ogling the bits, you can also learn something about how Fish Frenzy plays from this video. Dual purpose!
• Of the handful of titles that Rio Grande Games' Jay Tummelson presented in the BGG booth at Origins Game Fair 2016, Matt Calkins' Tin Goose was the one he was most excited about, talking about it twice as long as anything else. Learn what's going on in this (group)thinky design...