As for what was on display at NY Toy Fair 2018, I invite you to survey the BGG Twitter feed should you be interested in seeing everything that I posted — and I still have several dozen more pics that I hope to post soon — but for now here are a few of the highlights, starting with the company that had the strongest line-up across the board:
Sept 2018 will see @GaleForceNine release Aliens, a minis-filled co-op board game in which you’re marines hunting xenomorphs. —WEM pic.twitter.com/vDMxBthqK6
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2018
Gale Force Nine had only a handful of new games to announce, but this one caused a lot of interest, partially because folks wondered what this means for the well-being of Prodos Games' Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins, to which I can say only that I don't know. The tweet above gives you all the info that I know at this point, and we'll get more details in the future. Again, thirty hours total in NYC, including for eating and sleeping.
In Aug 2018, @GaleForceNine will release a new Dungeons & Dragons board game; info is embargoed until @Wizards_DnD reveals the setting. —WEM pic.twitter.com/MCHe6ywwa7
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2018
Secrecy is something you encounter again and again at NY Toy Fair, mostly because many game publishers are partnering with the owners of one IP or another, and they can't talk about that IP until the owner gives them the okay. Thus, GF9 announced that it's releasing a D&D game in August 2018, but since Wizards of the Coast has revealed no details of the new setting or storyline, GF9 can say nothing about the game's contents. You learn that you can't play it solitaire, but beyond that...zippo.
Would you prefer that a publisher say nothing unless it can talk about a game in full? Some do this, as with the thing that I did not expect to see at all and that I doubt anyone else would have expected to see, but I can't say a thing about it, so in the end I'm teasing you for absolutely no reason other than to make you feel what the NY Toy Fair experience is like sometimes. You look behind the curtain — sometimes literally — then you place all that info behind a curtain in your mind until you get the "all clear" later.
Want more player options in Star Trek: Ascendancy? Vulcan High Command & Andorian Empire are coming from @GaleForceNine in Q2 & Q4 2018. WEM pic.twitter.com/gNdli9LYu3
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 19, 2018
Star Trek: Ascendancy will see two more player expansions in 2018. No details beyond the covers and the Q2 and Q4 release dates for now, but for some of you those covers will be all you'll need to make a decision.
The 13th Doctor is on the scene, but @GaleForceNine is still catching up w/ Doctors #1-12, w/ these four expansions due out Q2-4 2018. —WEM pic.twitter.com/UVMMixYvkj
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 18, 2018
Each of the Doctor Who: Time of the Daleks expansion packs contains two Doctors, as well as components related to the television series of those Doctors, but you don't need to use those particular Doctors in gameplay. You can shuffle all the location or dilemma tiles together, then just see who ends up doing what where.
Firefly Adventures hits retail by early March 2018, w/2 expansions following; check out how the containers serve as storage in the box! —WEM pic.twitter.com/fJQtm3L9zA
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 17, 2018
Firefly Adventures: Brigands and Browncoats is shipping to stores at the end of February 2018, with each of the two expansions planned for 2018 including two new characters. As I note in the tweet, the paper storage containers in the box are meant to serve as buildings or obstacles in play, which is a neat double use for those items, especially since that means GF9 can effectively have more components than you might expect in the box since the components are themselves storage.
What's more, the entire box bottom can itself serve as a tile in the game, giving you an additional gaming surface, and the box bottoms of the expansions will function in the same way.
The 2nd most unexpected game at NY Toy Fair 2018 is this new @ThinkFun version of the 30+ year old German game Waldschattenspiel. —WEM pic.twitter.com/zHhg4gisjH
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 17, 2018
I already referred to my most unexpected game above, but I can talk more about my second most unexpected game since ThinkFun was quite open with it, with Shadows in the Forest being a new edition of Walter Kraul's Waldschattenspiel, an obscure German game more than thirty years old that far more people have heard about than ever played.
In the game, one player pushes a lit candle around the board, trying to reveal dwarves with the light because if they're revealed, they can't move until another dwarf touches them and frees them. All players but one represent the dwarves, and to win the game, they must gather together by one of the trees on the game board. The candle player must freeze all of the dwarves to prevent this from happening.
Due to safety regulations in the U.S., Shadows in the Forest will include an electric light rather than a candle, but you can do what you like in your home once you buy the game. Note that the components shown in these images — and almost all images that I shot at NY Toy Fair 2018 — are non-final. The light will be a bit taller in this game, for example, to assist in the creation of sharp shadows on the board. (I watched a short demo of gameplay in a tent in the ThinkFun booth. I was not kidding before about the curtains!) The dwarves of the original game have been replaced with "shadowlings" that will look similar to what's shown below. When a shadowling is revealed by the light, you take off its mask to indicate its frozen status.
.@ThinkFun released Yohan Goh’s Fold-it in the U.S.; now it’s releasing a logic puzzle collection using the same system as in that game. WEM pic.twitter.com/Bmo5nXbiBE
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 18, 2018
Did Fold-it always seem to you like a logic puzzle disguised as a game? If so, now you can rip the mask off and buy it in its naked form. ThinkFun had a couple of other logic puzzle collections on display as well:
Kaleidoscope is one of the new @ThinkFun logic puzzles for 2018: Overlay the right plastic sheets to recreate the images shown. —WEM pic.twitter.com/pGGGPKmdNc
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 18, 2018
Along similar lines as Who Did It?, Cat Crimes’ (@ThinkFun) challenges you to figure out which cat did which bad thing in the house. —WEM pic.twitter.com/WvPYbJEFwi
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 18, 2018
Let's close with one of the first pics that I tweeted from NY Toy Fair 2018:
Oh, hey, something new from @StrongholdGames on display at NY Toy Fair 2018. More info to come… —WEM pic.twitter.com/dY5UnqUgC1
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) February 17, 2018
Yes, Terraforming Mars gets another small expansion from FryxGames and Stronghold Games, with Terraforming Mars: Prelude due out in July/August 2018.
This expansion includes new corporation cards as well as new "prelude" cards. Stronghold's Stephen Buonocore explained that each player would begin the game with four prelude cards — possibly acquired via drafting, but I can't recall the details right now — and each player would choose two of them with which to start in play, discarding the other two. Thus, each player has more differentiation from the get-go, leading to more variability from the first round on.
Buonocore added that a larger TM expansion, one that's Venus Next-sized, is currently scheduled for release at SPIEL '18 in October.