Day two and the hangover cures seem to be working as everyone appears bright and ready for another busy day. During the afternoon, I head upstairs to check out some new Euros on the Queen Games stand and they kindly allow me to take some pictures, even though the displays show prototypes. Urbanization looks particularly interesting.
Next, I head to Hans im Glück, where Michael gives me a explanation of Marcel-André Casasola Merkle's new game, Santa Cruz. The game is finished and will be out in Germany shortly, and the artwork looks fantastic. Players are each given a different hand of cards, comprising traveling cards and scoring cards. They then explore a board showing three islands, which have tiles laid face-down representing buildings and places, such as churches and lighthouses. On a turn, players must play either a traveling card to explore and place buildings in their color or play a scoring card to score a particular type of building, resource, or other game condition for all players. Spaces near the central volcano are more valuable, but are vulnerable to a negative eruption scoring card. It has gone straight to the top of my want list. Straightforward to teach, but with interesting decisions and a little bluffing towards the endgame.
With thanks.
Best wishes,