• Adding games/designers/artists/publishers
• Editing and approving/declining/asking for revisions to submissions from BGG users (pending lists of games, publishers, and people)
• Adding and editing links on game/publisher pages
• Requesting images/finding them on a publisher's press page and adding them to the game/publisher pages
Mostly I do such things in order to link to a new game in a BGG News post (which means I need to create or approve the game listing first!) or add a link to newly available rules for an upcoming game, but I also work on improving the BGG database as a result of my obsessive desire for comprehensive information. I want everything to be as complete and detailed and (most importantly) correct as possible!
Thus, I rewrite ho-hum game descriptions after reading the rules or ask a publisher for a sharp, large logo to replace an tiny, scanned logo from years ago. Yay, one more step towards comprehensiveness!
The problem, however, is that I find way more information and images and links than I can possibly add to the BGG database, especially since I need to focus first and foremost on getting news about games in front of you, dear reader.
As a result, I created a new blog – Not Necessarily the News – to try to crowdsource this material and make it accessible for all BGG users thanks to the efforts of whoever picks up the shovel I offer. Ideally, someone will say, "I'm a fan of this designer/publisher, so I'll spend a half-hour and take care of this." My job will be to keep posting these raw data finds so that you and others can make the material available for all. Well, that and dangling Geekgold carrots to help encourage folks to participate.
If you're a fellow obsessive, want to earn Geekgold, or are otherwise interested in helping improve the content in the BGG database, please visit NNTN and subscribe for news of future projects. Thanks!