The IGA was founded in 1999, and it's run by long-time game reviewer Greg Schloesser. Games released between July 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018 were eligible for consideration for the 2018 IGA, although the 27 jury members are free to nominate whichever titles they want during the nomination window, and if enough jurists vote for a particular game, then it's in! Jury members submit their nomination lists in secret, and whichever ten titles receive the most nominations make the cut — although when a tie exists for tenth place, then the nomination expands to meet that cut-off, as is the case in 2018. In alphabetical order, the nominees for the 2018 multiplayer IGA are:
• Agra, by Michael Keller and Quined Games
• Altiplano, by Reiner Stockhausen and dlp games
• Azul, by Michael Kiesling and Plan B Games
• Clans of Caledonia, by Juma Al-Jou Jou and Karma Games
• Decrypto, by Thomas Dagenais-Lespérance and Le Scorpion Masqué
• Gaia Project, by Jens Drögemüller, Helge Ostertag, and Feuerland Spiele
• Gentes, by Stefan Risthaus and Spielworxx
• Heaven & Ale, by Michael Kiesling, Andreas Schmidt, and eggertspiele
• Nusfjord, by Uwe Rosenberg and Lookout Games
• Pulsar 2849, by Vladimir Suchy and Czech Games Edition
• Rajas of the Ganges, by Inka & Markus Brand and HUCH!
• Santa Maria, by Eilif Svensson, Kristian Amundsen Ostby, and Aporta Games
• Transatlantic, by Mac Gerdts and PD-Verlag
For the two-player IGA, the top five vote-getters are nominated, except in the case of a tie. In alphabetical order, the nominees for the 2018 two-player IGA are:
• 13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis, by Asger Harding Granerud, Daniel Skjold Pederson, and Jolly Roger Games
• Claim, by Scott Almes and White Goblin Games
• Codenames Duet, by Vlaada Chvatil, Scot Eaton, and Czech Games Edition
• Colonial Twilight: The French-Algerian War, 1954-62, by Brian Train and GMT Games
• Fog of Love, by Jacob Jaskov and Hush Hush Projects
• The Fox in the Forest, by Joshua Buergel, Foxtrot Games, and Renegade Game Studios
• Shadows in Kyoto, by Wei-Min Ling and EmperorS4
I'll note that both BGG owner Scott Alden and I are IGA jurists. I became a jurist in the mid-2000s before I joined BGG, but I haven't nominated games or voted for a winner in roughly a decade, so I'm an IGA jurist in name only — which is good since I wouldn't have time to play the fifteen games that I've never played before final voting is due on the nominees...