In Wiz-War, the player wizards move through a maze, trying to steal treasure from one another or just kill opponents. The game has had multiple editions since its debut in 1983, mostly recently in a Fantasy Flight Games edition from 2012. This new edition will "probably" be released in 2020, although possibly later.
• Along similar lines, French publisher Sorry We Are French plans to release a new version of Kim Satô's GOSU — titled GOSU X — in Q4 2020, and it's released print-and-play files in English (link) and French (https://gosux.sorryweare.fr) for those who don't want to wait a year.
• In mid-2017, Gamephilia released a new edition of Y. Ohashi's Night Clan, which first appeared in 2014 from Japanese publisher Domina Games. That Kickstarter was finally fulfilled in December 2018, and now Japanime Games is apparently distributing the remaining titles in North America, with preorders being fulfilled first, then general orders, with any remaining stock presumably available at conventions in 2020. Here's a summary of the gameplay:
Hmm, @pegasusspiele lists "Hansa Teutonica Big Box" as a SPIEL '19 release with no information at all beyond the title right now. Anyway, on the radar it goes... —WEM
— BoardGameGeek (@BoardGameGeek) August 19, 2019
As you might now know, Hansa Teutonica Big Box did not debut at SPIEL '19. Asked for an update, Pegasus' Ronja Lauterbach has let me know that "it took too long to work things out with the printers and our partners for other countries", so the item was delayed rather than being rushed out. At this time, no release date has been set other than a general date of 2020.