Here's the pitch for this expansion to the second edition of Great Western Trail, which is due out in Q3 2022:
Much of the content in Great Western Trail: Rails to the North (Second Edition) was included in the original Rails to the North expansion, but it has been reworked and upgraded, with the player boards being dual-layered, a game board extension that features different rail paths, and the medium town tiles being modified. Other elements included in this expansion are new objective cards, a revised building 13a-13b, new solo-mode materials for Sam, and a new breed of orange cows.
Discovery consists of awards, milestones, upgraded phase cards, and wild tags, with the identity of a wild tag being determined by the player who reveals the card on which it resides. Foundations includes new projects cards and components that allow for games with up to six players at a time. Crisis introduces a co-operative mode of gameplay, with the corporate player needing to resolve crises to keep Mars habitable and fully terraformed.
• During a seminar at GAMA Expo 2022, designer Christopher Badell from Greater Than Games said that the current plan for the Sentinels of the Multiverse game line is to avoid doing single character expansions and small expansions — something that got a cheer out of the audience of retailers — and instead focus on a new larger expansion once a year, an expansion that will feature six heroes, nine villains, and five environments, making it roughly the size of Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition, which hit retail stores in the U.S. in January 2022.
The first such expansion — Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition – Rook City Renegades — is on Kickstarter until March 31, 2022 with an expected delivery date of January 2023.
As with its KS campaign for Sentinels of the Multiverse: Definitive Edition, Greater Than Games is offering a 90-day money-back guarantee for Rook City Renegades should you receive the expansion, then decide it's not right for you. (During the seminar, Badell noted that GTG had received one refund request from the 6,721 backers of the base game.) That's a bold guarantee to include in a crowdfunding campaign, but it's not like Sentinels of the Multiverse is a new game, so folks have a good idea of what they're going to receive when they pledge.