A few cards will receive minor errata, but these will not appear in the update pack.
• If you are wildly devoted to Age of Steam, then you might find interest in Eagle-Gryphon Games' Kickstarter for Age of Steam Deluxe: Expansion Volume II and Volume III, which collectively offer thirteen expansion maps for the game system. Most of the expansions are for 3-6 players, but they also include a two-player-only map for Scotland and the 1-3 player Seattle map. (Kickstarter)
• Thunderworks Games is expanding Cartographers and Cartographers Heroes yet again with three new map packs from designers Jordy Adan and John Brieger:
—Map Pack 4: Frozen Expanse – Realm of Frost Giants in June 2022 features scouted locations that need to be filled with particular types of terrain and a giant frozen lake that grants a reward when the perimeter is fully mapped
—Map Pack 5: Kethra's Steppe – Redtooth & Goldbelly in July 2022 has three "beacon" scoring cards, one of which will serve as a fifth scoring card in the game and trigger off your ability to surround beacon spaces
—Map Pack 6: Hornhelm – Wasteland Market in August 2022 introduces merchant cards with items you can purchase for ongoing effects