In Brügge, players assume the role of merchants who must maintain their relationships with those in power in the city while competing against one another for influence, power and status. Dramatic events cast their shadows over the city, with players needing to worry about threats to their prosperity from more than just their opponents...
On a turn, a player chooses one of his cards and performs an action, with seven different actions being available. In principle, every action can be used with every card – but the color of the card determines the strength of the chosen action, e.g., blue cards provide additional workers (one of the resources). All of the action is geared toward the gathering of prestige, with the most prestigious merchant winning in the end.
• Speaking of Bora Bora, alea's Stefan Brück notes on the Spielbox forum that the game is going to production in ISO week 4 (i.e., the week of January 21) and should be in stores in Germany by ISO week 6 (mid-February) And in case you're not aware, the German rules (PDF) were posted on Ravensburger's website on Jan. 15, 2013.
• Wolfgang Kramer's Expedition, which had evolved from his earlier design Wildlife Adventure, is evolving once again under the auspices of publisher 8th Summit, which plans to release Expedition: Famous Explorers in December 2013. The publisher hasn't released details about how exactly this new version differs from earlier ones, but a summary of what's new is included in this description:
Expedition: Famous Explorers retains all the core rules of earlier versions of the game, but adds optional advanced rules that allow players to score additional points based upon purchasable Explorer and Assistant cards. Another game mechanism introduces Secret Locations.
Five Points: Gangs of New York is a game of struggle for political control of Manhattan in the mid-19th century. As the leader of a powerful political faction, you manipulate gangs and influence politicians behind the scenes to seize control. Effective use of your resources will gain influence, win elections, and let you control the destiny of New York; fail and you will be less than a footnote to history.
Several tools lie at your disposal if you have the strength to acquire and use them. Your loyal rabble will execute your will. Controlling districts with your rabble could give you access to a limited number of important buildings: Tammany Hall, Board of Elections, 5th Ward Offices and many others. Your control of these buildings may provide influence and special powers. Bid for control of election-influencing manipulations that may swing the vote.
In Manhattan, your burgeoning political machine may affect politics in America's great city for over 100 years. At the heart of this machine are the gangs of New York who enforce the will of the bosses and determine elections before the first vote is cast.
Try as you might, it's impossible to maintain the lead throughout the race – and truth be told, while being first at the end of the race helps, placing first at your scoring locations is even more important. Every turn someone could trigger a scoring point. Where will you be as you and your opponents control which checkpoints will score and which get bypassed?
Each racer plays from identical draw decks, playing multiple cards of the same color to provide a boost of speed. Beware as you may reshuffle your deck only at gas stations along the way, and when your hand or draw pile are depleted, you are in for trouble. Race smart and bring home the gold!