• In a another blog post from TGoF, Ohi shows off Ultimate Werewolf: Inquisition, an apparently forthcoming title at Spiel 2012 from Bézier Games and "Legend Dan Hoffman". I expect Bézier's Ted Alspach to send me a breathless email chock-full of superlatives and virtual pats-on-the-back about this title in the near future because that's just the kind of guy he is...
• Belgian publisher Flatlined Games sold out of the first edition of Ken Rush's Rumble in the House – all 2,900 copies – in just three months following its debut at Spiel 2011, but as of late April 2012 the game is back in print once more, with a slightly larger box to keep everything flat and the lid closed during shipping. While the first edition contained rules in five languages, the new edition comes in two versions: one French/Dutch and the other English/German/Spanish.
• Fantasy Flight Games has announced a new expansion for Battles of Westeros – the House Baratheon Army Expansion, due out Q2 2012.
• French game news site TricTrac details some of the changes in GOSU2, the recently announced reboot of GOSU from Moonster Games. Each of the goblin cards will have some combination of seven icon-oriented powers, with those powers existing in both regular and MAX versions. The "vision" power, for example, has you draw five cards and keep one at the basic level, with MAX allowing you to keep two cards. Destruction either lets you destroy a free card (basic) or swap the position of two cards on the same level, then destroy a free card (MAX). The «link» ability mentioned in the previous announcement involves the addition of a card to one's army. Cards have link icons on all four sides, and as you add a card to your army, you're linking it to one or more existing cards, which grants your cards power in various ways.
• TricTrac also notes that Perepau LListosella's Sidibaba, which publisher Hurrican debuted at Spiel 2011, has now reached retail stores in France after publication delays caused by production errors. Asmodee is handling distribution of the title in the U.S., as noted in this February 2012 news item, but the previously announced April 2012 release date is likely pushed back a tad since the game is just hitting French stores now.
• Two titles from Queen Games – Kimmo Sorsamo's Kairo and Donald X. Vaccarino's Kingdom Builder: Nomads – have been released in some parts of the world (Kairo in France, Nomads in the UK) and are undoubtedly making their way to parts of the world yet unblessed with these particular titles – or maybe they're not and Queen will force people to order each new release in 2012 from a separate country in order to encourage inter-continental oneness and gamer unity across borders. That sounds like a reasonable business plan, right?