• Ravensburger will release an English-language edition of the 2008 Kinderspiel des Jahres winner Wer war's? in North America. The newly retitled Whoowasit? is due out Q4 2011.
• In other Ravensburger/Reiner Knizia related news, Ravensburger will release BITS – a sequel of sorts to Knizia's Spiel des Jahres-nominated FITS – to North America in January 2012. No word yet on whether Günter Burkhardt's Casa Grande – shown at Nürnberg 2011 and due out in September 2011 in Europe – will receive a North American release.
• Designer Steve Jackson has provided details on Ogre 6th Edition in an open letter to distributors on the SJG website. The game will retail for $100, be enormous, and might be available only through SJG directly unless distributors decide the market is there. Jackson notes, "I expect to print it once and let people spend the next 30 years fighting over the remaining copies."
• Steve Jackson Games will release Munchkin Axe Cop in Q3 2011. Promo image on the SJG website. I feel old as I have no idea what or who "Axe Cop" is.
• Fantasy Flight Games will release two print-on-demand expansions for Space Hulk: Death Angel – The Card Game. As FFG notes in its announcement of Space Marine Pack 1 and Mission Pack 1: "Although we have long considered POD, it hasn't been until now that we have found a professional print service that can produce high-quality cards on demand." These items will retail for $5 each and will be available via retail stores for those who don't wish to order directly from FFG.
• Recently released titles include French editions of BattleLore and its expansions (with English rules available through the FFG website), Thunderstone: Dragonspire (which is already sold out at the publisher level, although copies are making their way to distributors and stores), Railways of the World: Railways Through Time, New York (a rethemed version of Alhambra), Shogun: Tenno's Court, and Kart sur Glace from Les XII Singes, a finger-flicking race game that has you make a race course from items around the home. Fun pics on the game page!
• Games hitting U.S. stores in the near future include Stronghold, Munchkin 7: Cheat with Both Hands and Get Nuts (all with a street date of March 16, 2011), Nightfall (street date March 21, 2011) Carcassonne: 10th Anniversary Edition (expected April/May 2011 in North America, $30), Jet Set: Distant Lands (expected in May 2011, $25)
• New titles in the BGG database that caught this writer's eye include Chimera Isle, Pantheon (which I've covered previously on BGG News), Wings of War: Rain of Destruction, Pamplona, and Harald Enoksson's Texas Nukem, a wargame-y take on Texas Hold 'em. Always fun ideas from Harald...