• Through its UK playtest division, Czech Games Edition will be present at the show with four new items, all of which the publisher aims to release at Spiel 2013 in October. I've created preliminary BGG pages for these items in order to include them in the GeekList above and get a jump on the Spiel 2013 Preview, which already includes several dozen games (but won't go live until July 1 at the earliest).
First up on the list is the Dungeon Petz Expansion, which is probably not the final name for this item:
With this expansion, each player begins the game with a job card that provides him with a regular income each turn and details a number of things the player must do in order to get fired. This expansion also includes new cards, including new buildings and companions.
Each card in the game appears twice, and if a player has her secret revealed by an opponent she becomes disgraced and the other identical card is forfeit, even if it is in a set.
Disgrace & Favours includes an element of luck as players have to try to guess what each other are up to during the snooping phase. Set disruption is also part of the game, and ruining someone's plans will bring you a large chunk of satisfaction. Naturally you can try to defend against this by getting hold of both cards or taking the disgrace token for yourself.
• Key Celeste is a small expansion for Breese and Bleasedale's Keyflower that will be available at the Coiledspring Games stand, then later from R&D Games at Spiel 2013 and through other distributors. Here's how you add this expansion to the game:
The other game is Mark Rivera's Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice, which will head to Kickstarter for crowdfunding later in 2013. Here's the summary of that game: "Luchador! Mexican Wrestling Dice is a two-player dice game (with optional rules for four-player tag-team play) based on the popular world of professional Mexican wrestling, or Lucha Libre! Players start with 21 points of health and roll custom dice to try to beat their opponents either by KO or by a pin." Rivera has posted a pic of the dice used in the game: