Update: Already a drop of more information. IELLO plans to debut Uchronia at Spiel 2012 in October.
• In other IELLO news, the publisher has released English rules (PDF) for Mythic Battles, due out in August 2012.
• In addition to the already released Peloponnes: Goat Expansion, Bernd Eisenstein and his irongames publishing house will have a PAX/Pergamemnon expansion at Spiel 2012. No details about the expansion now other than its impending existence.
• Ryan Laukat plans to a release a free print-and-play expansion for Empires of the Void in late July 2012:
• On its news page, German publisher alea notes that Inka and Markus Brand's Saint Malo, delayed from its announced May 2012 release due to problems with its erasable pens, will appear at the latest in October 2012 and definitely in time for Spiel 2012.
• Steve Jackson Games has announced its October 2012 releases, which consist of a reprint of Zombie Dice and three Munchkin expansions: Munchkin Duck of Doom, Munchkin Duck of Gloom, and Munchkin Naughty & Nice, the fourth Christmas-themed booster pack from SJG.
So we now have a pair of ducks bearing the Doom/Gloom moniker as well as a retitled card game from Michael Schacht, which went from Crazy Creatures of Dr. Doom to Dr. Gloom to avoid trademark issues in the U.S. We need one more example to make this a solid trend. Any takers?