In this case, here's an image from a sell sheet that Z-Man Games was handing out at Spielwarenmesse 2014, the annual toy and game fair in Nürnberg, Germany. Artwork on these three games — Onirim, Sylvion and Castellion — isn't final, but it gives you a taste for what's coming. Each box is 6.3" square and 1.8" thick. The new edition of Onirim, for which I've created a separate listing given that the game now has seven expansions instead of three, contains 76 cards for the base game, 93 cards for the expansions and a small incubus figure.
At least three other games will exist in designer Shadi Torbey's Oniverse, but I don't have a pic of them. At least, I don't think I do...
• In the meantime, Z-Man Games has announced another new game, a new addition to its Deluxe Classic Card Game collection due out Q4 2014. Details are brief right now about Chimera, but here you go:
• Contrary to rumor, Wei-Hwa Huang and Thomas Lehmann's Roll for the Galaxy is not due for release in March 2014. I asked Rio Grande Games' Jay Tummelson for confirmation — along with the confirmation of release dates for Rattlebones and Quilt Show, which are listed as March 2014 releases in this retailer solicitation from Alliance Game Distributors — and Tummelson replied, "We have no release dates yet for any of these, but expect all within the next few months."
• U.S. publisher Steve Jackson Games says that Ogre: Pocket Edition will reach retail stores in June or July 2014, with this recreation of the original 1977 release from designer Steve Jackson bearing the original $2.95 price.
• Coming out in the same timeframe and slightly more expensive is Hipster Dice, which bears this description: