Continuing the saga of the worldwide acclaimed hit Mage Knight Board Game, designer Vlaada Chvatil and WizKids present Mage Knight Board Game: The Lost Legion, an expansion that offers players a new Mage Knight — Wolfhawk — and also adds a new foe for the Mage Knights: the mysterious and powerful General Volkare! Included in the expansion set are new location tiles, enemy/ruin tokens, Unit cards, Advanced Action cards, Artifact cards, Spell cards and a rulebook expansion that features new game scenarios and rules to support play for five players.
Whether you and your fellow Mage Knights decide to work together or at cross purposes this expansion supports new play styles and tactics and a new foe that can challenge even the most veteran players.
On a turn, a player can either (1) play as many tokens as he wants in a continuous chain, with the first token being placed next to an occupied space or the center space, then drawing one token from the bag or (2) drawing two tokens and placing none on the board. A player can hold at most five tokens on his rack.
When a player places tokens, the color of the token must match the space being covered; he immediately scores the points shown on this space. A player can choose to place a non-matching token face down on a space in order to reach another space, but he scores no points for the face-down token. Alternatively, a player can play multiple tokens of the same color on a matching space and score the listed number of points for each token placed.
The game board has a number of dark grey spaces on it. The game ends at the end of the round in which all of these spaces are occupied or a player cannot draw enough tokens to complete his turn. The player with the most points wins!
Using your robot, you must challenge the others in a fight to the very last gear: the most important parts you need to keep your robot working! Once you get your precious gears, can you protect them until you can install them in your internal circuits? Or will some other robot steal them from you?
As you know, a good robot is a robot with all its gears in the right place! Out of Gears is a fast and fun game in which you need a touch of strategy and a lot of bluffing!
• Preorder information is available for the titles that Japon Brand will have available at Spiel 2012, with one of those titles being Ginichiro Suzuki's Chicago, described as follows: