• Dragon Dawn Productions' The Phantom League, The Phantom League: Mostly Harmless expansion and Zanziar are all going to be available to retailers in the U.S. via Alliance Game Distributors starting in March 2012.
• English rules as now available on BGG for The Hunger Games: District 12 Strategy Game and The Hunger Games: Jabberjay Card Game should you be one of those more eager to see how the Susan Collins novel was ludified rather than filmed.
• French publisher Moonster Games reports that Texas Zombies – its rethemed version of Ryo Kawakami's Cat & Chocolate – should be out in Europe by the end of March 2012, with the game reaching the U.S. and Japan in May.
For those not familiar with the game, here's a brief rundown: Players are secretly on teams. Each turn, the active player must ward off a threat using 1-3 far-less-deadly-than-you'd-hope "weapons", such as a flashlight, a mirror, chocolate or a mannequin. This player tells a story of how she'd use the tools to defend herself, then everyone votes on whether they think the effort would succeed. If so, the player keeps the attack card; if not, she doesn't. After a certain number of attack cards, the game ends, players reveal their team loyalties, everyone sees which team won, then they ignore that result and laugh about stories that were completely ridiculous/awesome.
I've played only the original Cat & Chocolate version, and while it's not something that'll hit the table every week without wearing out its welcome, our plays have been delightfully fun – even though I'm baffled as to why people always think they can shoot their way out of a killer bee attack?! It ain't happenin', folks!