In any case, here's an overview of the game in question: Rocky Road a la Mode from first-time designer Joshua J Mills:
Rocky Road a la Mode is a game of managing time and resources to meet the demands of sweet-treat-seekers! The game features multi-use cards and a time track that determines the players' turn order. The player whose ice cream truck is furthest back on the road goes next and may choose from several actions on their turn: stocking up on new treats, playing music over the loudspeaker to attract business, or passing out treats to fulfill customer desires. Every choice costs time and forces players to move ahead on the road track. Once a player is no longer in the rear of the pack, their turn ends until they find themselves lagging behind again.
In addition to gaining loyalty points from happy customers, players can gain bonus treats in their permanent supply so that they can meet demand a little easier. Throughout the game, players also fight to earn the right to take over several of the different territories that make summer great: the beach, the pool, the park, and the ballfield.
• A second expansion for the second edition of Ludovic Maublanc's Cash 'n Guns is due out Q3 2016 from Repos Production, with Team Spirit taking a page from the Yakuzas expansion for the original Ca$h 'n Gun$ in that you'll now be able to play with up to nine at the table with players competing in teams instead of on their own. Team Spirit also includes a silencer, three new guns, seven new characters you can play, and twelve mercenaries you can hire to put extra muscle on your team.
• Reiner Knizia's Silver Screen, a card game version of Traumfabrik that fell into limbo when publisher Cambridge Games Factory vanished, might appear in print after all. In April 2016, CGF developer Robert Seater posted the following on BGG: "I have tentatively found another publisher for it, which Knizia is now working with. I don't know the timeline, but I think the game has a future!"
• The image below appeared on a Facebook group page, then was referenced in a Reddit post. I asked Asmodee North America whether Arkham Horror: The Card Game was indeed in the works from Fantasy Flight Games, and social marketing coordinator Cynthia Hornbeck responded as anticipated: "Our official statement is 'no comment'."