• Stay Alert: New threats are constant. Every card played matters. Any action could be the difference between stability and catastrophe.
• Be Vigilant: Use every tool at your disposal to stop impending terrorist threats. Deploy soldiers, insert agents and recruit key assets to neutralize imminent dangers and keep the nation safe.
• Trust No One: Not everyone is what they seem. Watch your rival's actions carefully to try to decipher if they are working against you!
Homeland: The Game draws 3 to 6 players into its web of espionage and paranoia. As the pressure mounts, will your actions tip the balance towards national security or global chaos?
• Z-Man Games has picked up Phil Walker-Harding's tile-laying game Cacao for release in North America, with ABACUSSPIELE distributing its German/English edition wherever Z-Man doesn't normally provide service.
• As noted in November 2014, Spielworxx will release Wolfgang Heidenheim and Andreas Molter's Haithabu, a game set in a Viking trading settlement, in 2015, and the publisher has now placed a June/July 2015 release date on that title. In addition, Alexandre Garcia's Dilluvia Project — previously announced as a 2016 release — will now be presented at Spiel 2015 in October, probably with a thematic overhaul.
• Artist Jérémie Fleury has posted details of a few game projects for which he's provided art, with one of them being title #5 in Purple Brain Creations' "Tales & Games" series: Le Petit Chaperon Rouge from designer Annick Lobet. I've discovered only a couple of details about the gameplay so far: In one game mode, the players co-operate to try to reach Grandma's house before the wolf can spot them; in the second game mode, one player takes on the role of the wolf. We probably need to wait for the release of title #4, The Grasshopper & the Ant, before getting more details about this one.
The other titles illustrated by Fleury are three(!) new Timeline games, with each of them having 110 illustrated cards. Fleury must be très rapide! Two of the games will have the familiar metal box and they are "destinés à l’étranger" — destined for release abroad, i.e., not in France and that makes sense seeing as those games are apparently Timeline Russia and Timeline Quebec — while the other item is Timeline Challenge, a larger boxed set with a game board of some kind as shown at upper right. That's all the details for now...