• Designer Gerard Hecht debuted in 2013 with Kashgar: Händler der Seidenstraße from KOSMOS and his sophomore release is a new entry in that publisher's revitalized two-player line. Here's a short description of Jäger und Späher, also due out in October 2014:
• Slightly more information is available for Michael Menzel's Die Legenden von Andor: Die Reise in den Norden. Here's the updated description of that expansion, which is due out September 2014:
Die Legenden von Andor: Die Reise in den Norden, the first large expansion for Legends of Andor, includes a new map of the northern region of Andor, new legends, and more.
I know that many have already expressed reservations about the laid-back look of this cover, but I'm far more disturbed by the lower-case "d" in "deluxe". What's the deal with that?!