Of most interest to people will be Massilia from designer Alain Epron, which will be (unlucky?) title #13 in the Quined Masterprint Series. Epron and his publishing house Krok Nik Douil Editions funded an edition of Massilia through Ulule in early 2012, but then failed to deliver the game. In a press release announcing this title, Quined included this note:
There will be a small expansion and a goodie available for those who preorder the game before Spiel 2014. The backers of the game will also receive both the goodie and the expansion.
In Massilia, each player will be able to use different colored dice to perform actions. There are four different colors corresponding to four different actions. On his turn, a player can choose a die and perform the corresponding action: Buy goods at the port, move a client or the consul on the market, make offerings to divinities to recover bonuses (cards), and buy reputation. The value of the die shows the number of times that the action may be made. The goal is to obtain the highest reputation at the end of the day by setting up stalls on the market to sell goods at the best price that the player will have bought in port.
Will you succeed in evolving your civilization through history, overwhelming your opponents on the way to glory?
Two games exist that include the target word in their title — Find...den MÖRDER and Find...die LIEBE — and while the target words are German, the game itself has no language specific text.
15 Días: The Spanish Golden Age is set in this context of backstabbing, treachery and palace intrigues. Who will become the new "Valido"? Would you betray your own next-of-kin to obtain the grace of the King? All of this, and much more awaits you in 15 Días: The Spanish Golden Age, a card game full of history and intrigue, no regrets, betrayal, and above all ambition.