As a tribe, you attempt to secure food, resources, and technology to increase the size of your tribe and support children, elders, and livestock while also wiping out competing species or gathering resources to collect victory points. You must work around the weather and the extinction of natural resources as well as negotiate deals to protect your wives while you decide between monotheism or polytheism. In this tableau-building game, you'll send your population out to hunt native species of Greenland — but some might not come back. (Historically, the climate turned frigid and all but the Thule (Inuit) died out.)
Depending on each player's ending theistic worldview, he has a variable scoring based on successful hunts (polytheism) or resource gathering (monotheism).
• Libellud has announced that Régis Bonnessée's Lords of Xidit, which debuts in English at Gen Con 2014 in August, will be available in monolingual versions in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Japan and China by late September 2014.
• Ludonaute's Colt Express from Christophe Raimbault should be available at Gen Con 2014 in final prototype form ahead of its release just prior to Spiel 2014. Below is an image from the publisher showing the prototype train "game board" on which the action takes place:
• Just as the Village Inn expansion for Inka and Markus Brand's Village consisted of a board overlay that added a new playing area, the 2014 expansion Village Port has an overlay that replaces one section of the game board — the wilderness area that you explore — with something new, apparently the aforementioned port from the title. A shot of the prototype from eggertspiele's Twitter feed: