As a lieutenant in Master's army — a foreminion — it falls to you to cheer him up. Not the easiest task, even in the best of times. But then it hit you: What better way to cheer Master up than a cheerleading competition?
Whichever foreminion builds and scales the most impressive tower of war-hungry minions in Three Cheers for Master will surely win Master's heart. What could possibly go wrong?
• On Facebook, Horrible Games has teased Dungeon Fighter: Rock and Roll, offering only this image and an April 2015 date (for release? for more information?).
• In late 2014, Cards Against Humanity released a 30-card Science Pack expansion for the 2014 Bay Area Science Festival, and now that pack is available through the CAH online store, with proceeds from sales funding a Cards Against Humanity Science Ambassador Scholarship for women who are pursuing college degrees in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. On Think Progress, Jessica Goldstein describes the development of the Science Pack and the origins of the scholarship program.
• Another expansion pack being released for a long-lived best-seller is the Fluxx: International TableTop Day Expansion, which will debut on April 11, 2015, which happens to be International TableTop Day. What are the odds! This pack consists of five Keepers, four Goals, and one Action, and it's one of many promo things in the TableTop Day retail kit available to participating retailers.
• Carcassonne: Burgen in Deutschland is a mini-expansion for Carcassonne from German publisher Hans im Glück. Yes, another one! It's almost like people really like Carcassonne and keep buying lots of extra stuff for the game, which then encourages HiG to make even more. Almost. Here's an overview of this expansion, which is available through HiG's online shop only through April 11, 2015, with the expansion not available again until Spiel 2015 in October: